Sometimes we think about what Ludvig Jonsson, who founded the company in 1907, would say if he visited us today. Imagine if he could see how his company Tegsnässkidan, which today is Tegsnäs Group, has developed.
Today we have a different breadth with wood products, packaging and building materials as a base. Tegsnäs Group is a stable group in an international market.
Skis are now a smaller part of our business but still important. The craftsmanship, professionalism and pride that lies behind the ski permeates our thinking throughout the company. What we do must be carried out with feeling, competence, pride and responsibility, whether it is production, development of new products or customer service.
Today, we are active in several areas: wood products for industries, specialised packaging, building materials, warehousing and logistics as well as Tegsnäs ski and Tegsnäshus. Our head office is located in Tegsnäset 65 km west of Umeå.
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