Meet the Magnus Sjöstedt
Magnus Sjöstedt is a tractor driver and safety representative and likes to have a lot going on. He has full control of the work environment and likes to make things easier for others.
Tell us about your job!
– I carry out a wide variety of work within Tegsnäs Group. For 1.5 years I have been a tractor driver during the evening shifts and during the day shifts I mainly work with work environment issues, chemicals, fire protection, etc. I think it's fun to learn new things all the time. I have received training in the work environment through the company.
What are you doing right now?
– Today I sit in Tegsnäs Logistics' new lorry and drive planed wood products to Småland. I drive the lorry transports until our newly hired driver is soon in place. It will mainly be local trips between our own units but also longer ones like this one. Before I started at Tegsnäs, I worked as a lorry driver, so it's a good fit.
What is the most fun part of your job?
– It's the variety and not always knowing what's going to happen during the day. I like to keep my head moving, be a problem solver and have my hands full.
When are you particularly satisfied after the working day?
– It is when I have finished and been able to put an end to the tasks I have had to do for some time. It can also be when I have solved something that has made things easier for someone else.
What do you appreciate about Tegsnäs Group as an employer?
– There are short decision-making paths within the company and the management cares about us employees. We have their trust and can work with freedom under responsibility.
What do you do in your spare time?
– Then I like to be in the forest or in the mountains. I like to ride a snowmobile or go downhill skiing.
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Evaldas Lipinskas is an elite handball player from Lithuania who moved to Sweden with his family ten years ago. Today he works in production at Tegsnäs Emballage in Vindeln.

Michael Zentio
Michael Zentio had 27 years of experience in healthcare when he moved north and changed careers. Today he is an operator and shift leader at Tegsnäs Group.

Mia Vindelhed
Mia Vindelhed is the operations manager for Tegsnäs ski and works with everything related to the skis, including accessories and spare parts.

Lovisa Vahlberg
Lovisa Vahlberg is Chief Financial Officer and is involved in most areas of the company from a financial perspective. Lovisa also works with HR issues.

Daniel Johansson
Daniel Johansson is an unloading manager within Tegsnäs Group. This means that he and his team work with logistics, loading, unloading of incoming and outgoing goods and internal material transport within the factory area.