A wide range of speciality packaging
We have around 150 products in our range, about 60 per cent of which are pallets in various designs. The rest is specialised packaging and other products.
The basic material for all packaging is wood, but we also use metal, foam, brackets and other combinations of materials. Our packaging is well thought out and well designed.
Our large range is constantly expanding in line with our customers' wishes and new needs. Our design solutions are living and we draw up each packaging digitally in 3D CAD.
Protective and impact resistant
To ensure that the products to be transported do not risk impacts, wear or unexpected movements, we design fittings, spacers, dividers and shims with a unique fit. Where necessary, we add protective surfaces of impact-resistant foam.
We can also fit sheet metal or customised fittings that are bent to the right shape to hold components and products in place.
All specialised packaging is designed to be robust and durable, while being protective and lightweight.
Packaging made from wood can be reused several times and has a low carbon footprint. When the material is used up, it can still be utilised. Because wood is a natural product, it can be recycled into energy, heat or other products.